
Haziran, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


An example of curriculum integration in this project can be represented by the activity on the pandemic . Before I involved my students into the conceptual common maps and next into the creation of the related video, during a video conference I asked them what did they feel in that situation due the Covid19. They put their thoughts on a page of our virtual class of Schoology.  Next I propose them on a videolesson I registered the listening of the poem on pandemic created by a famos Italian writer R. Piumini (at minute 7:30) So I assigned a task to my students: to create a collaborative nursery rhyme on Google Document that I shared with them always on our virtual class: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NoVuZqgK7O6JS-olfWKLFfsm50RPUNdrjNA7tApkFYU/edit?usp=sharing We finally completed the work on StoryJumper (the web tool they have already used in "Kind is better" project) with the nursery rhyme they created, their drawings and their ...


Teacher expressed their evaluation opinions on Padlet


One of the most positives is the large use of web tools linked to the effective students involvement in all the process phases of the work. The first was the designing phase through discussion, proposals, groups assignment Here is one of the funniest and favourite activity was the Students Survey with Plickers: Peer to peer and cooperative learning were two of the innovative strategies used in the project.  This is our cooperative storytale created by teams from each Country with StoryJumper. Read this book made on StoryJumper


This really represented  a tutoring activity, because Italian students shared coreography on a video-tutorial created with the involvement of the 2nd class A of the school.  The partners met via eTwinning online event and dance together


Our project got an effective involvement of parents.  Starting from the initial and final survey... https://forms.gle/ZgSmdHRnKrpNLust5 Following to the second studio about behaviors at home and in the third one about behaviors at Pandemic. They both viewed our students' parents as protagonists together with their children. This aspect is more evident by the fact that the videos were also shot during the pandemic. Here is Italian students video for Jordanian students (behaviors at home): Here is Italian students video for Turkish students (behaviors in Pandemic):


"Kind is better" eTwinning project was developed by three Countries: Turkey, Italy and Jordan (France didn't continue). At the start of the project students introduced their school and knew their partners' Country through an interactive map.


PROJECT LOGO CREATION All the students of the three Countries were involved in the creation of the project logo. They worked in group to define it using digital tools. Each partner proposed its own logo. Next students selected one of them by voting on the project twinspace.
Project evaluation survey results of students Students Opinions about Our Project http://linoit.com/users/zeynep35/canvases/Kind%20%C4%B0s%20Better%20Students%20Opinion
Project Evaluation Survey Result Of Parents

Project evaluation survey results of teachers

Project evaluation survey results of teachers
Behaviours at Pandemic TURKEY
Concept Maps 3 - Behaviour of students to  at pandemic
Concept Maps 2 - Behaviour of students to at home
 Şehit Erkan Kendirci Elementary School 2-C grade students 'Kind Is Better eTwinning project' activities as part of 05 May 2020 Jordanian students watched the video prepared.     With the help of their teacher Zeynep Öztoprak, their students first learned  Dier alla Primary Mixed School  school students prepared 'Behaviours at home' followed the story.   After the students watched the video, they answered questions prepared by Italian teacher Eman Algadi with the help of their parents at home.
Our Dramas ( At Home) Behavior Videos at home From To İtalyan Students  Jordanian Students Turkish Students  İtalian Students Jordanian Students  Turkish Students Turkish Drama Video Task Link: https://forms.gle/ozu9XFhUb7jEPLhCA
    Şehit Erkan Kendirci Elementary School 2-C grade students 'Kind Is Better eTwinning project' activities as part of 04 February 2020 Italian students watched the video prepared.     With the help of their teacher Zeynep Öztoprak, their students first learned ICS 3 " L. Radice" di Patti school students prepared 'two pens (two Pencils)' followed the story.   After the students watched the video, they answered questions prepared by Italian teacher Monica Morana with the help of their parents at home. http://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1581079469
Consept Maps 1 - Behaviour of students to other students at school (Common Product)
Our Common Product: Respect Dance On Monday December 16, 2019, as part of the "Kind Is Better eTwinning Project" event, project partners joined the student webinar via live link on the eTwinning portal. Webinara Turkey Kastamonu Şehit Erkan Kendirci Elementary School classroom teacher Zeynep Öztoprak and students , Italy Patti ICS 3 "L Radice" di Patti school teacher Monica Morana and students, Jordan Dier Alla Primary Mixed School School teacher Eman Algadi and students attended. http://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1576610535
Our Common Product: Story Book https://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1578856533
Cooperative storytales  Behaviors at school  Story teams STORY WRİTTİNG MAKE PİCTURE GET VOİCE STORY-1 Turkey Nisanur T. Furkan Ş. Zeynep Ö. Yazelnur M. Ayfer Ö. ZeynepK. Muharrem S. Berat Ç. Ahmet B. Aişe Ç. Muhammed U. Yağmur T. Italy Denis L. Carlotta E. Braian M. Adelasia G. Giuseppe A. Alessandro M. Matilde C. Thiago B. Isabella L. Ayat M. Davide C. Jordan SALMA SALMA SALMA https://www.storyjumper.com/book/showframe/77258335/5ed22b400c396#
Behaviors at school Behavior Videos From To İtalyan Students  Turkish Students Turkish Students  Jordanian Students Jordanian Students  Italian Students Turkish Drama Video https://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1578856010 Task link: https://forms.gle/zz3DNdSKcehrRrX46
Our Students Webinar Our Students joined a webinar all together.  They voted our Project logo. They played Respect Dance step by step.  This is the link to the recording file: http://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1576610535 Students Voting Our Logo http://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1576610535
World Kindness Day Events https://padlet.com/moimorana/o8mm93mla87s
Preproject Survey For Turkish Students https://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1574069511
Turkish Parents' Survey( Preproject) The parents of the 2-C grade students of Şehit Erkan Kendirci Primary School participated in the pre-project survey event for "Kind Is Better eTwinning project" between 26-28 November 2019. http://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1574972892
Our İntroduction https://padlet.com/moimorana/c9pp4051tspv
 TURKISH CURRICULUM INTEGRATION: Life science; HB.2.1.7. It obeys the rules of working with the group in activities held in class and school. HB.2.1.8. Expresses himself in understandable and clear language when communicating at school. HB.2.1.9. When communicating at school, he follows the rules of listening. HB.2.2.5. Participates in family decision making processes. HB.2.3.4. Explains the necessity of cleaning for a healthy life. Visual arts: G.2.1.4. Creates a visual art work inspired by different written sources, concepts and themes. G.2.1.6. Places objects according to size and proportion-proportion in visual art work. G.2.1.8. Based on his daily life, he creates a visual art work. Music: mü.2.b.2. He sings the music in his vocabulary at speed and brightness appropriate to their meaning. mü.2.a.3. He sings the music he learned together. Turkish: T.2.3.2. Reads by paying attention to punctuation marks. T.2.3.4. He reads poetry. T...
 Preproject Survey For Teacher
Our First Webinar 2 December 2019 We created our project plan http://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1575362218
About the project When children begin to interact with their environment, they sometimes exhibit undesirable behaviors. Our goal in the project is to enable and encourage students to put themselves in others' shoes, both human beings and living beings, gaining greater awareness about the importance of proper behaviors. Most activities will be based on a collaborative use of the IT. The project also will involve teachers and student's families. Partners will use both English and their own language. AIMS Students discriminate correct and wrong behavior about themselves first and then the others. They carry out their assigned tasks independently and collaboratively, demonstrating their sense of responsibility. They express emotions while respect those of the others through creative writing, storytelling, drama, games, drawing... Students reflect on their behaviors with friends, teachers and family members. They show respect for living beings and the environment around the...